What would it mean to have a Personalised Hypnosis recording, tailor made for you each and every month?

Tailored specifically to your wants, desires and needs. Personalised Hypnosis sessions designed for you.

A Personalised Hypnosis Session you can listen to again and again.

Just tell me 3 things...

#1 What is your biggest challenge? What is holding you back, limiting you and stopping you moving forward.

#2 What is GREAT in your life right now :)) What makes your heart sing (to add some of your Good Vibes).

#3 What do You want. What are you looking to create and make manifest in your life, both short term and longer.

Then I create a Brand New Hypnosis Recording specifically designed for you and the small, limited group of like minded people.

Personalised Hypnosis and Guided Visualisations infused with NLP.

You maybe wondering about this… and thinking that this would be VERY expensive.

Well YES If you commission me to create a Studio recording I charge $1000 (And you’re welcome to commission me). Each recording takes between 60 - 100 hours to create. The Writing, Editing, Recording, Audio Editing, Mixing that goes into them… I put a lot into each one.

What you’re getting here is similar to coming to see me for a one-2-one session. But still you maybe thinking well that seems cheap!!!

YES. You would be right. This is because #1 I really want to make it affordable so that You can easily benefit from this #2 because this is a small group of people in each group it helps to keep it at a low price.

Plus get ready to take it to the Next Level...

Your 60-Day Goals

The reason most 'goals' don’t happen is because the ‘juice’ runs out. Then the action stops and results simply don't happen. This is directly connected to a lack of accountably.

Yes... the Powerful concept that is Proven to make a difference. 

“What gets measured gets done”. We're talking: ACCOUNTABILITY. Plain and simple. 

The reason ‘coaches’ be it in sports, business, or life GET RESULTS is because they keep you on track.

60-Day Goals do Just that.

60-Day Goals are goals for the short term. And for the longer term forming part of a bigger picture.

Every two weeks we review and fine tune your goals, as well as new 60-Day goals being added. This keeps the momentum and Gets Results.

Commit. Tell Me What you want. What is in the way.  And get ready for deeply hypnotic transformations.

This is the closest thing to working with me live in person. Except you get to listen again to the Hypnosis Session. 

If you have any questions about this, or would like to know more Contact Me.


John Vincent